A Very Special Christmas Celebration

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Judy and I wanted to share an exciting Christmas Musical Special. It has been created by Dallas Jenkins who is the creator of THE CHOSEN. This is an incredible series on the life of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t seen this series yet, please take a moment and go to your app store and download the app with the name of the series. It is simply incredible.

The link below will take you to this Christmas special that we know will bless you and your entire family. If you’ve lost a child or a loved one this year, please, please, click on the link below and watch this special. We believe God will help bring peace to your pain as you watch and listen. We love you, Pat & Judy

Steve Henning

I lead a team that develops marketing communications strategies. We produce videos, design websites, and create digital media for forward-oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Because video storytelling plays such a significant part of online marketing, I am heavily involved in video production, every day. Our prolific little agency is constantly involved in helping businesses, and especially nonprofits, tell their unique stories. In social media. On websites. With video. If you aren't using video to tell your organization's story and to grow your business, why not?


Tear In A Bottle


A Song To Remember Your Loved One