God Has Blessed Us With A New Paddleboat

Here's Judy sitting in our new paddle boat with our youngest granddaughter who was visiting with us.

Here's Judy sitting in our new paddle boat with our youngest granddaughter who was visiting with us.

People often ask us what’s on our “Wish List?” Our wish list is a list of things we’d love to have, but don’t have money to buy right now. Over the years we’ve had donations of a 20 foot pontoon, a 14 foot fishing boat, a truck, a fantastic 4-wheeler that is our workhorse around the grounds, and many, many beautiful plants for our gardens.

A few weeks ago a couple who was staying with us at Whitetail Lodge after having lost a child asked us this question as we were talking about our ministry. Judy immediately said we’d really love to get a paddleboat for our guests to use. (We added two open kayaks two years ago, but they are a little tippy for some people to use. But paddle boats are very stable in the water.) Before the day was over Chris and Kristen announced that they had gone online and purchased a new paddle boat for SAM and that it would be delivered in about 10 days. Wow!

Chris and Kristen shared that someone had given them some money as a “Pay it Forward” gift and they wanted to use the money for this need here at SAM.

Since we began SAM in 2007 God has shown Himself to be so faithful time after time in not just meeting our needs, but pouring out His blessings in abundant ways. Thank you Chris and Kristen for Paying it Forward.

Please send up prayers for Judy and me as we’ve had a very full summer with families here at Whitetail Lodge. Judy's been having some major pain with a sciatica nerve issue. Thanks. We love you. Pat & Judy

Steve Henning

I lead a team that develops marketing communications strategies. We produce videos, design websites, and create digital media for forward-oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Because video storytelling plays such a significant part of online marketing, I am heavily involved in video production, every day. Our prolific little agency is constantly involved in helping businesses, and especially nonprofits, tell their unique stories. In social media. On websites. With video. If you aren't using video to tell your organization's story and to grow your business, why not?




Dads Grieve Too