We'll Miss Our Choco

This is a picture of the Misener’s  dog, Choco.

This is a picture of the Misener’s dog, Choco.

What a very sad day at Smile Again Ministries. Our little mascot, Choco, died today. He was diagnosed a couple weeks ago with an inoperable tumor on his spine. The cancerous tumor was preventing him from being able to stand or walk. He just turned 11 years old on Dec. 1.

Choco has become the friend of many of the families that have come to Smile Again Ministries after the death of a child. In fact, that’s why we got Choco in the first place – to help us bridge the gap with surviving siblings and their grief. And he did it well.

Judy and I are finding ourselves grieving for our little friend. It’s amazing that such a tiny dog can become such a huge part of our family and our extended family. We’re going to miss his energy and wagging tail. He was my little buddy…

Steve Henning

I lead a team that develops marketing communications strategies. We produce videos, design websites, and create digital media for forward-oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Because video storytelling plays such a significant part of online marketing, I am heavily involved in video production, every day. Our prolific little agency is constantly involved in helping businesses, and especially nonprofits, tell their unique stories. In social media. On websites. With video. If you aren't using video to tell your organization's story and to grow your business, why not?


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