What Are You Doing Now?

One of the questions moms and dads often ask after their child dies is, “What are they doing now?” If they are people of the Christian faith they often wonder out loud what heaven must be like?

I’ve shared this song before on our pages, but now it has images to go along with it. The singer is asking the question what their friend is doing in heaven now? We hope this video will bring a sense of peace and joy to those who are on the grief journey with us. We know there IS a heaven. We know heaven’s beyond our wildest dreams. And, if you’re like Judy and me, you believe your loved one is indeed experiencing a new life that is filled with wonder and joy.

Feel free to share this with your friends. And if you have a friend that’s lost a child, reach out to them today and let them know you remember their child. Love you, Pat & Judy

Steve Henning

I lead a team that develops marketing communications strategies. We produce videos, design websites, and create digital media for forward-oriented nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Because video storytelling plays such a significant part of online marketing, I am heavily involved in video production, every day. Our prolific little agency is constantly involved in helping businesses, and especially nonprofits, tell their unique stories. In social media. On websites. With video. If you aren't using video to tell your organization's story and to grow your business, why not?


Does Your Grief Seem To Go On And On?


Through It All My Eyes Are On You